9th & 10th December 2014, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Attendance at the workshop is free of charge and includes the workshop dinner. Yet, as places are limited, we require registration via the workshop webpage.

The deadline for registration is 17th October.

This year’s theme is diffusion in social networks, but submissions on any aspect of mathematical social science or complex networks are welcome.

Keynote presentations are:

* Matt Jackson (Stanford University) – Identifying Central Individuals in Networks and Diffusion Processes
* Damon Centola (University of Pennsylvania) – The Origins of Social Order: New Theory and Experiments

Financial assistance for travel costs is available for students wishing to attend the workshop. Please contact Dion O’Neale (d.oneale@auckland.ac.nz) for more information.

For more information about the workshop, please see the website listed above or contact one of the organisers:

Patrick Girard (Philosophy) p.girard@auckland.ac.nz
Dion O’Neale (Physics) d.oneale@auckland.ac.nz
Mark C. Wilson (Computer Science) mc.wilson@auckland.ac.nz

The Centre for Mathematical Social Science (CMSS) is pleased to announce that its 6th Summer Workshop will be held at the University of Auckland in the week of 8-12 December 2014. The CMSS is an inter-disciplinary research centre whose members include mathematicians, computer scientists, philosophers and economists. Information on the CMSS, and details of previous Workshops, can be found on our website: http://cmss.auckland.ac.nz/.
This year’s theme is diffusion in social networks, but submissions on any aspect of mathematical social science are welcome.

Confirmed speakers include:
– Matthew O. Jackson (Stanford University) — Seelye Foundation Fellow
– Damon M. Centola (University of Pennsylvania)

If you would like to participate in the Workshop, please contact any of the organisers listed below by 15 October 2014. Contributed slides or papers will be archived on the CMSS website. We will be glad to hear from you.

There is no fee for participating in the Workshop.

Patrick Girard (Philosophy) p.girard.auckland.ac.nz
Dion O’Neale (Physics) d.oneale@auckland.ac.nz
Mark C. Wilson (Computer Science) mc.wilson@auckland.ac.nz
University of Auckland

* What: informal CMSS workshop to discuss methodology for social network analysis, and try to build a community at UoA in this area
* Where/When: Monday 17 Feb in Room 303.561 (Maths/Physics Building, corner Wellesley St and Princes St)

* Advice for speakers: Informal talks without slides are OK. There is a whiteboard. Slides are also OK, in fact preferred slightly – please bring them on a flash drive or similar. The key idea is to find common ground for interdisciplinary research, so please focus on the questions and methodology, not your research results. Basic questions to answer: who are you, where are you from, where social networks arise in your research area, what methodology have you been using to study them, which methodological expertise that you don’t have would benefit your research?

* Approximate schedule:

0900-1030 session 1

Patrick Girard (Philosophy, School of Humanities)
Nelson Aguirre (School of Population Health)
David Welch (Department of Computer Science)
Lorenzo Ductor (Massey-Albany, School of Economics and Finance)
Jenny Long (Department of Psychology)

1030-1100 Informal discussion (catering provided)

1100-1230 session 2

Mark Wilson (CMSS, Dept of Computer Science)
Dion O’Neale (Department of Physics)
Holly Darling (Claremont Graduate University, Education)
Yun Sing Koh (Department of Computer Science)
Quentin Atkinson (Department of Psychology)

1230-1330 lunch (self-organized)

Afternoon (will include spontaneous breaks)

1330-1400 brainstorming
1400-1500 small group discussions
1500-1600 report back and wrap up

The CMSS is pleased to announce the programme for its 5th Summer Workshop.

The Workshop will take place on 10-11 December 2013 at the University of Auckland.  There is no registration fee for attending the Workshop — all are welcome.




DAY 1 



Chair: Matthew Ryan

Approximate Implementation in Markovian Environments

Ludovic Renou (University of Essex) and Tristan Tomala (HEC, Paris and GREGHEC)

A Multi-Unit Dominant Strategy Double Auction

Simon Loertscher (University of Melbourne) and Claudio Mezzetti (University of Melbourne)



Chair: John Hillas

Plasticity, Monotonicity, and Implementability

Juan Carlos Carbajal (UNSW) and Rudolf Müller (Maastricht University)

Fair Division with Random Demand

Jingyi Xue (Singapore Management University)



Chair: Mark Wilson

Extension Theorems for the Price of Anarchy

Tim Roughgarden (Stanford University)



Chair: Arkadii Slinko

Implementation of Communication Equilibria by Cryptographic Cheap Talk

Peter Bardsley (University of Melbourne) and Vanessa Teague (University of Melbourne)

One-Way Interdependent Games

Andrés Abeliuk (NICTA and University of Melbourne), Gerardo Berbeglia (NICTA and Melbourne Business School) and Pascal van Hentenryck (NICTA and University of Melbourne)

Experimental Design to Persuade

Anton Kolotilin (UNSW)


DAY 2 



Chair: Golbon Zakeri

Testing for Market Efficiency with Transactions Costs:  An Application to Convergence Bidding in Wholesale Electricity Markets

Akshaya Jha (Stanford University) and Frank Wolak (Stanford University)

The Competitive Price of Stored Water

Andy Philpott (University of Auckland)



Chair: Golbon Zakeri

An Equilibrium Model of a Congested Oligopolistic Electricity Market with an Imperfect Cap and Trade Market for CO2 Permits

Shmuel Oren (UC Berkeley)

Vertical Structure and the Price Effects of Mergers

Jim Bushnell (UC Davis)



Chair: Simona Fabrizi

Inefficiency in the Shadow of Unobservable Reservation Payoffs

Madhav Aney (Singapore Management University)

Learning, Entry and Competition with Uncertain Common Entry Costs

Francis Bloch (Paris School of Economics), Simona Fabrizi (Massey University) and Steffen Lippert (University of Otago)

Ex-post Efficiency with Random Participation

Murali Agastya (University of Sydney) and Oleksii Birulin (University of Sydney)



Chair: Steffen Lippert

Edgeworth Equilibria Separable and Non-Separable Spaces

Anuj Bhowmik (ISI, Kolkata)

Voting Manipulation Games

Arkadii Slinko (University of Auckland)

Welfare Implications of Strategic Voting

Mark Wilson (University of Auckland)





All sessions will be held in Room 315 of the Arts 1 Building (building number 206).


Registration, morning and afternoon teas will take place in the foyer outside 315.  Lunches will be served on the Level 6 airbridge in the Owen G. Glenn Building (building number 260).

Workshop Dinner

There will be a conference dinner on 10 December at Ima’s Bistro.  The following map has directions from campus.

The dinner is free for presenters.  Others wishing to join us for dinner should contact Matthew Ryan (m.ryan@auckland.ac.nz) to confirm availability of space and the attendance fee.


Popular hotels and serviced apartments in the vicinity of campus include:

The Quadrant

Waldorf Celestion

The Pullman

Quest Carlaw Park

Quest Parnell

The Langham

ATE Symposium

Attendees may also be interested in the following event, taking place at the Albany Campus of Massey University on 12-13 December:

1st ATE Symposium


Finally, thanks to our generous sponsors:

ATE Research Network (Massey University)

Department of Computer Science (University of Auckland)

Energy Centre (University of Auckland)

Electric Power Optimization Centre (University of Auckland)

University of Auckland Business School



The Centre for Mathematical Social Science (CMSS) is pleased to announce that its 5th Summer Workshop will be held at the University of Auckland from 10-11 December 2013. The CMSS is an inter-disciplinary research centre whose members include mathematicians, computer scientists, philosophers and economists. Information on the CMSS, and details of previous Workshops, can be found on our website: http://cmss.auckland.ac.nz/.

This year’s theme is mechanism design, but submissions on any aspect of mathematical social science are welcome.

Our 5th Workshop is co-hosted by the Energy Centre (EC) and Electric Power Optimisation Centre (EPOC) at the University of Auckland, and the Applied and Theoretical Economics (ATE) Network at Massey University. EC and EPOC will be organising a special session on the design of energy markets.

Confirmed speakers include:
Claudio Mezzetti (University of Melbourne)
Shmuel Oren (Berkeley) *Sponsored by the EC and EPOC*
Ludovic Renou (University of Essex)
Frank Wolak (Stanford University) *Sponsored by ATE and Massey University*

If you would like to submit a paper for the Workshop, please contact Matthew Ryan (m.ryan@auckland.ac.nz) for general sessions, or Golbon Zakeri (g.zakeri@auckland.ac.nz) for the special session on energy markets, by 15 October 2013. We will be glad to hear from you.
There is no fee for participating in the Workshop.

Participants may also be interested in the following event: the 1st ATE Symposium on the theme of “Competition Policy Issues: Theory Meets Practice” to be held at Massey University, Albany campus, on December 12-13. Details will be posted on the ATE website: http://ate.massey.ac.nz/.
Matthew Ryan Department of Economics University of Auckland

A message from CMSS member John Hillas:

Dov Samet will be visiting the Economics Department at the University of Auckland in February 2013. I am organising a two day workshop on epistemic game theory on 18 and 19 February.

My apologies for the late notice. I was also hoping to have some funds to at least partially support visitors travel to and stay in Auckland. Unfortunately that has not happened and I have not funds to support any visitors (except Dov). I shall be able to provide you with some snacks and coffee.

I hope to keep the workshop reasonably informal and *somewhat* narrowly focused, that is focused on papers that are clearly in the field of epistemic game theory – though I’d be happy to consider papers that were clearly about epistemics but less clearly about game theory. I hope to start the workshop with a survey of what has been done and finish with an “open problems” forum. So I hope that the workshop will be appropriate for people who are not working in the area but who have some interest.

Please let me know if you’d like to come and particularly if you have sometime suitable that you’d like to talk about.

Our office will be closed from tomorrow until early in the new year, though I’ll be checking my email and will respond over that time. From about 3 January our office will be able to provide a little assistance with booking accommodation for anyone who would like to visit us for this workshop.

UPDATED: dates changed to 17-18 February.


The Centre for Mathematical Social Science (CMSS) at The University of Auckland (New Zealand) will host its 4th Summer Workshop from 21-22 March 2013. There will also be an excursion on Saturday 23 March.

The 2013 Workshop will focus on Mathematical Economics, though submissions on all aspects of mathematical social science are welcome.

The keynote speakers are:

– Matthew Jackson (Stanford University, USA)
– Clemens Puppe (KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany)
– Toby Walsh (University of NSW and NICTA, Australia)

There will be also talks by other visitors and local researchers. As usual some of the talks will be under the category “work in progress”. A more detailed program will be announced later. Information on the previous workshops of CMSS can be found on the webpage of our Centre (http://cmss.auckland.ac.nz).

If you are willing to participate please send a message to Arkadii Slinko (a.slinko@auckland.ac.nz) or Matthew Ryan (m.ryan@auckland.ac.nz). We will be glad to hear from you. We may have a small amount of funding for assisting junior researchers to attend.