A message from CMSS member John Hillas:

Dov Samet will be visiting the Economics Department at the University of Auckland in February 2013. I am organising a two day workshop on epistemic game theory on 18 and 19 February.

My apologies for the late notice. I was also hoping to have some funds to at least partially support visitors travel to and stay in Auckland. Unfortunately that has not happened and I have not funds to support any visitors (except Dov). I shall be able to provide you with some snacks and coffee.

I hope to keep the workshop reasonably informal and *somewhat* narrowly focused, that is focused on papers that are clearly in the field of epistemic game theory – though I’d be happy to consider papers that were clearly about epistemics but less clearly about game theory. I hope to start the workshop with a survey of what has been done and finish with an “open problems” forum. So I hope that the workshop will be appropriate for people who are not working in the area but who have some interest.

Please let me know if you’d like to come and particularly if you have sometime suitable that you’d like to talk about.

Our office will be closed from tomorrow until early in the new year, though I’ll be checking my email and will respond over that time. From about 3 January our office will be able to provide a little assistance with booking accommodation for anyone who would like to visit us for this workshop.

UPDATED: dates changed to 17-18 February.

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