Summer Workshop 2015-16

Call for Participation

The Centre for Mathematical Social Science (CMSS) is pleased to announce that its 7th Summer Workshop will be held at the University of Auckland on 18-20 of February 2016. The CMSS is an inter-disciplinary research centre whose members include mathematicians, computer scientists, philosophers and economists. Information on the CMSS, and details of previous Workshops, can be found on our website:

The program of this year’s meeting is especially rich and diverse. The main three themes of the Workshop are Mathematical Psychology, Mathematics of Social Choice and Mathematical Politics with a particular emphasis on the following topics:

  • multi-winner voting rules;
  • stochastic choice;
  • complexity in social choice and political science;
  • proportional representation;
  • comparative analysis of existing electoral systems;
  • experiments in political science and social choice.

Confirmed workshop speakers include:

  • Charles R. Plott (California Institute of Technology)
  • Bernard N. Grofman (University of California, Irvine)
  • Jean-Francois Laslier (Paris School of Economics)
  • Simon Grant (Australian National University)
  • Pavlo Blavatskyy (Murdoch University, Perth)
  • Rolf Niedermeier (Technical University of Berlin)
  • Piotr Faliszewski (AGH Krakow Institute of Technology)

In the afternoons of 18th and 19th there will be tutorials on:

  • Basics of experimental research in economics (Valery Pavlov, The University of Auckland)
  • PREFLIB: An online Library for Preferences (Nick Mattei, NICTA, Australia)

The workshop will be concluded with a discussion panel on the role of exact sciences and experimental methods in social choice and political science chaired by Keith Dowding (ANU, Australia).

We welcome suggestions of contributed talks. A significant time in the afternoons will be allocated to discussions of these talks and collaborations.

If you would like to participate in the Workshop, please go to the workshop website and register by 29 November 2015. Registrations will open shortly. There is no fee for participating in the Workshop. We will be glad to hear from you.

Organising Committee:

  • Quentin Atkinson (Psychology)
  • Steffen Lippert (Economics)
  • Dion O’Neale (Physics)
  • Valery Pavlov (Information Systems and Operations Management)
  • Matthew Ryan (Economics, AUT)
  • Arkadii Slinko (Mathematics)
  • Mark C. Wilson (Computer Science)


Sessions will be held at The University of Auckland City Campus. (details to be arranged). Lunches, morning and afternoon teas will be provided.

Workshop Dinner

There will be a conference dinner. The dinner is free for presenters. Others (partners are welcome) wishing to join us for the dinner should contact Arkadii Slinko ( regarding availability of space and the attendance fee.


Popular hotels and serviced apartments in the vicinity of campus include:

Finally, thanks to our generous sponsors:

  • Marsden Fund (Royal Society of New Zealand)
  • Department of Computer Science (University of Auckland)
  • Department of Mathematics (University of Auckland)
  • Department of Economics (University of Auckland)
  • Department of Economics (AUT, Auckland)