The Centre for Mathematical Social Science (CMSS) at The University of Auckland (New Zealand) will host its 4th Summer Workshop from 21-22 March 2013. There will also be an excursion on Saturday 23 March.

The 2013 Workshop will focus on Mathematical Economics, though submissions on all aspects of mathematical social science are welcome.

The keynote speakers are:

– Matthew Jackson (Stanford University, USA)
– Clemens Puppe (KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany)
– Toby Walsh (University of NSW and NICTA, Australia)

There will be also talks by other visitors and local researchers. As usual some of the talks will be under the category “work in progress”. A more detailed program will be announced later. Information on the previous workshops of CMSS can be found on the webpage of our Centre (

If you are willing to participate please send a message to Arkadii Slinko ( or Matthew Ryan ( We will be glad to hear from you. We may have a small amount of funding for assisting junior researchers to attend.

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