This talk is at COMPASS seminar (reciprocal visit after P. Davis talk last year in our seminar)

Speaker: Arkadii Slinko
Title: Proportional Representation and Strategic Voters
Date: Friday 21 May 2010
Time: 12pm
Location: Fale Pacifika Building 273 Rm 104
Abstract: This paper was initially motivated by a desire to explain the behaviour of voters at the New Zealand general election held September 17th, 2005. The New Zealand electoral system is mixed member proportional (MMP). Anecdotal evidence has suggested that some voters voted insincerely even though their doing so could have cost their most preferred party seats. We analyse the election and present two models that account for the behaviour observed in the election. We rigorously investigate opportunities for strategic voting under proportional representation (PR), other than those that emerge due to rounding. This talk is based on the paper “Proportional Representation and Strategic Voters” written jointly with Shaun White which is to appear in Journal of Theoretical Politics.

Slides are available.

Speaker: Tatiana Gvozdeva
Affiliation: The University of Auckland
Title: Roughly weighted games with interval thresholds
Date: Friday, 30 Apr 2010
Time: 3:00 pm
Location: Room 401 (small math seminar room)

It is very well-known that not every simple game has a representation as weighted majority game. The first step in attempt to characterise non-weighted games was the introduction of the class of roughly weighted games. This concept proved to be useful. It realises a very common idea in Social Choice that sometimes the rule needs an additional tie-breaking rule that helps to decide who is the winner if the results of all candidates are on a certain ‘threshold’. We gave a criterion of rough weightedness in the previous talk at this seminar. However not all games are even roughly weighted. Hence we need a more general construction to represent all games.

In this paper we introduce and explore several concepts that generalise roughly weighted games in several directions. One idea is to make the threshold thicker, i.e. use not a number but an interval for it. A good example of this situation would be a faculty vote. If neither side controls a 2/3 majority (calculated in faculty members or their grant dollars), then the Dean would decide the outcome. We can keep weights normalised so that the lower end of the interval is fixed at 1, then the right end of the interval becomes a “resource” parameter. We show that all class of games split into the hierarchy of classes of games define by this parameter. We show that as it increases we get strictly greater descriptive power, i.e., if the resource parameter gets larger, strictly more games can be described.

A situation when the number of players n is fixed also of interest. Then there is an interval [1,s(n)], numbers from which provide us with a resource parameter for every game. There will be finitely many numbers q in this interval such that the interval [1,q] represents more n-player games that any interval [1,q’] with q'<q. We call the set of such numbers the nth spectrum. We calculate the spectrum for n<7. Also we present an upper bound for s(n).

Another hierarchy of games emerges when we restrict the number of possible values that the weight of a coalition might be when this weight is in the threshold interval.

Speaker: Piotr Faliszewski
Affiliation: AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow
Title: The Complexity of Campaign Management: Swap Bribery
Date: 6 May 2010
Time: 3:00pm
Location: MLT3 (Building 303)

Abstract: In voting theory, bribery is a form of manipulative behavior in which an external actor (the briber) offers to pay the voters to change their votes in order to get her preferred candidate elected. While bribery is typically associated with cheating in elections, its mathematical model can also be interpreted in terms of campaign management. In this work we study a model of bribery which is particularly well-suited for this campaign-management interpretation. Namely, we consider a model where the price of each vote depends on the amount of change that the voter is asked to implement and we focus on situations where the only allowed action is to shift the briber’s (campaign manager’s) preferred candidate forward on voters’ preference lists. We provide hardness results and polynomial time (approximate) algorithms for this type of bribery in many prominent voting rules.

Speaker: Patrick Girard
Affiliation: Department of Philosophy, University of Auckland
Title: Reasoning about social preferences
Date: Thursday, 1 Apr 2010
Time: 3:00 pm
Location: Room 401

A systematic way of aggregating individual preferences is to impose a hierarchy over groups of agents. I proceed in two steps, first by aggregating individual desires constrained by given hierarchies and second by defining preferences based on group desires. All this can be performed precisely in a hybrid modal logic (a basic modal logic augmented with names for states). This procedure avoids (some of) the consequences of Arrow’s impossibility theorem in social choice theory while retaining desirable aggregation properties, but the price to pay is the prioritization of agents. In this talk, I present the basic logic of preference aggregation and discuss the logical approach to the problem of preference aggregation.

Speaker: Arkadii Slinko
Affiliation: The University of Auckland, Mathematics
Title: Dagstuhl and manipulation by cloning candidates
Date: Thursday, 18 Mar 2010
Time: 3:00 pm
Location: Room 401

Firstly I will give my brief impressions of Dagstuhl meeting on Foundations of Computational Social Choice which took place last week. Then I will talk about an article written jointly with Piotr Faliszewski and Edith Elkind which I presented it at the workshop. Here I will give more details.

Abstract of the article

We consider the problem of manipulating elections via cloning candidates. In our model, a manipulator can replicate each candidate c by adding its several clones, i.e., new candidates that are so similar
to c that each voter simply replaces c in his vote with the block consisting of c and its clones. The outcome of the resulting election may then depend on how each voter orders the clones within the block. We formalize what it means for a cloning manipulation to be successful (which turns out to be a surprisingly delicate issue), and, for a number of prominent voting rules, characterise the preference profiles for which a successful cloning manipulation exists. We also consider the model where there is a cost associated with producing each new clone, and study the complexity of finding a minimum-cost cloning manipulation.

The Centre for Mathematical Social Science has been officially established as a University of Auckland departmental centre in the Department of Mathematics. It supersedes the informal Mathematical Social Science group. We look forward to the future under this more formal arrangement.

Some information from the formal document setting up the centre:

The CMSS will provide a focus for academic exchanges between social scientists working with mathematical or computational methodologies, and researchers from pure and applied mathematical disciplines who are investigating problems with relevance to social science. It will
also facilitate cross-disciplinary supervision of research students and the teaching of inter-disciplinary courses. Students of mathematical or computational disciplines will discover new areas of application; and social scientists can learn about mathematical techniques that may be useful to their own research.

Since 2005, a group from the Departments of Mathematics, Economics, Computer Science, Statistics, and Engineering Science has run a lively seminar series on mathematical social science, hosted a range of distinguished academic visitors and co-organised several Workshops.
Establishment of the CMSS recognises the growing contribution of this group to the intellectual life of the University. More importantly, we intend that the Centre will contribute to the development of the group’s inter-disciplinary research agenda and expand the scope of its
activities, especially in the area of inter-disciplinary teaching. Faculty from the Departments of Philosophy and Finance are also amongst the founding members of the Centre, and we encourage even broader participation.

CMSS Advisory Board:

Prof. James Sneyd (HOD, Mathematics, Auckland) – CHAIR
Prof. Walter Bossert (Economics, Montreal)
Prof. Steven Brams (Political Science, NYU)
Prof. Andy McLennan (Economics, UQ)
Prof. Hervé Moulin (Economics, Rice)
Prof. Dr Jörg Rothe (Mathematics/Computer Science, Dusseldorf)
Prof. Toby Walsh (Computer Science, UNSW)
Prof. Bill Zwicker (Mathematics, Union College)

Speaker: Reyhaneh Reyhani
Affiliation: Computer Science Department, The University of Auckland
Title: A general model for effects of polls on voters’ behaviour
Date: Thursday, 4 Mar 2010
Time: 3:00 pm
Location: Room 401

The influence of pre-election polls on the result of an election is a problem that many authors have discussed. In this talk, we investigate this problem with a general model for m candidates under the plurality rule. Voters cannot be completely sure about the result of polls because of coverage bias or response bias. Therefore, we consider a general distribution of uncertainty in each poll for voters. We discuss the best strategy of voters according to the information that polls give them and how the sequence of polls leads voters to a unique equilibrium. We deduce a Duvergerian equilibrium in the limit in some cases. This is joint work in progress with Javad Khazaei and Mark Wilson.

Everyone working in the area, or just interested, is welcome to attend the workshop whose details can be found under the Meetings tab above (direct link). It promises to be very productive. Here are some details from Arkadii Slinko:

The idea is not to have it too large but at the same time to have a critical mass of interesting people and talks. At this stage the following people have expressed their intention to come:

– Edith Elkind (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
– Andy McLennan (University of Queensland)
– Joerg Rothe (University of Dusseldorf) and a group of his students
– Detlef Seese (University of Karlsruhe)
– Toby Walsh (University of NSW and NICTA)
– Mike Fellows and Fran Rosamond (University of Newcastle)

Be sure, locals are eager to annoy you with their talks as well. If you are planning to come we would love to hear about it.

We are antipodeans and are supposed to do things differently. We would like to do away with requesting full papers with complete proofs in appendices and vicious competitive refereeing. We would like to provide people with an opportunity to talk about papers which have not been written or even finished yet. Thus a 1/2 page abstract by 1 February would be great so that we can draft a preliminary programme of talks. Indicate how much time you ideally desire. Spread the rumour if you feel like doing it.