We are a group of researchers interested in applying mathematical and computational modelling to social sciences (particularly social choice and economics), centred at the University of Auckland, but with members also from Auckland University of Technology and Massey University.
Topics of particular interest include the logic of individual knowledge; choice, and preference; decision under risk and uncertainty; collective choice and representation; voting and implementation; justice and inequality; theories of measurement for the social sciences; planning and organisation; social networks; game theory; evolutionary theory; experimental economics; and more generally the study of the equilibrium and disequilibrium of socioeconomic systems.
Our specialisations are in game theory, complexity theory, modal logic, abstract convexity, decision theory, social choice and voting, the theory of social networks and experimental economics.
We aim to be a centre of expertise in the area of mathematical social science, recognised as a leader in academic and nonacademic circles throughout Australasia.
The CMSS is a research centre of the University of Auckland. Specifically, it is a departmental centre in the Department of Mathematics.
We would be interested in presenting to you guys some time, and vice versa. Our website is http://www.compass.auckland.ac.nz
I have just stumbled on your website, attracted by the title ‘mathematical social science’. Here in the UK we have just started organising events under the rubric ‘Conflict, Complexity and Mathematical Social Science’ – see below. It would be good to keep in touch.
best wishes
Gordon Burt
Open University
Conflict, Complexity and Mathematical Social Science II
Thursday 11 June at Imperial College, London
If you wish to attend please notify me g.j.burt@open.ac.uk BY Wednesday 3 JUNE.
If you wish to present a paper please notify me g.j.burt@open.ac.uk BY Monday 1 JUNE – just two slots remaining.
Please forward to colleagues who may be interested.
For details see below.
Other events – see below
LSE, July 8th: Modelling Social Conflict
Canterbury, Sept. 8th and 9th: Conflict and Complexity II
Details: Conflict, Complexity and Mathematical Social Science, II
Thursday 11 June 2009, 10am-5pm.
Host: Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Imperial College, London
* Conflict Analysis: The Games of Deterrence Approach
Professor Michel Rudnianski, University of Reims, GUEST SPEAKER
This talk will present the main concepts and properties of games of deterrence found so far and illustrate those concepts and properties with examples focused on competition and conflicts (in the wider sense of the term, including Negotiations, Multi-Criteria Decision Making, and Evolutionary Dynamics).
*”Friendship” & Dynamical Systems: Towards an Index of Signal Complexity
Joydeep Bhattacharya (Goldsmiths)
* Aspects of Dispute Resolution Micro-Social Systems
Jeremy Pitt (Imperial)
* Rugged terrain and war: disaggregating from the state and moving beyond the mountain binary
Steve Pickering (Lancaster U.)
* Multi-agent simulation of different human societies
Roger Kingdon (Imperial)
* The mathematics of ordinary language ‘complexity’ in ‘non-mathematical’ areas of social life
Gordon Burt, (Open U.)
* We hope to bring together researchers in the following fields: peace and conflict science, complexity theory, mathematical biology, artificial intelligence, mathematical psychology, mathematical sociology, mathematical political science, mathematical economics, regional science, statistics and mathematics.
This is a follow-up to our January meeting: http://kn.open.ac.uk/public/getfile.cfm?documentfileid=14878
Modelling Social Conflict
Wednesday 8th July 2009; 10am to 4pm, at the LSE
Gordon Burt will run a workshop showing how modelling in various academic disciplines can give an insight into social conflict. A 300-page monograph, Lecture Notes on Conflict, Complexity and Mathematical Social Science, supports the seminar.
For further information on the workshop and on the monograph, see: http://kn.open.ac.uk/public/document.cfm?docid=12158 .
Conflict and Complexity II:
an international interdisciplinary conference
Tuesday 8th – Wednesday 9th September 2009
University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
* Call for papers: an early expression of interest would be extremely helpful.
Title and abstract: very preferably before 31 May 2009.
I would like to attend:
Imperial, June 11th: Conflict, Complexity and Mathematical Social Science, II: yes/no
LSE: July 8th: Modelling Social Conflict (a workshop): yes/no
Canterbury: Sept. 8th and 9th: Conflict and Complexity II: yes/no
I would like to present a paper at:
Imperial, June 11th: Conflict, Complexity and Mathematical Social Science, II: yes/no
Canterbury: Sept. 8th and 9th: Conflict and Complexity II: yes/no
I would like to order a copy of:
‘Lecture Notes on Conflict, Complexity and Mathematical Social Science’: yes/no
Reply by post to Gordon Burt, IET, Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK or by email to g.j.burt@open.ac.uk.
Best wishes
Gordon Burt
Open University
Chair of the Conflict Research Society