Current Advisory Board (Sept 2022-)
- Peter Davis
Emeritus Professor of Sociology (Auckland), Founding Director of COMPASS - Barry Milne
Associate Professor (Auckland), Director of COMPASS - Marcus Pivato
Professor of Economics (CY Cergy Paris Université & THEMA) - Matthew Ryan
Professor of Economics (Auckland University of Technology & CMSS member) - Jack Vowles
Professor of Comparative Politics (Victoria University of Wellington) - Toby Walsh
Professor of Computer Science (UNSW and NICTA)
Advisory Board (2014- Aug 2022)
- Peter Davis
Emeritus Professor of Sociology (Auckland), Founding Director of COMPASS - Jack Vowles
Professor of Comparative Politics (Victoria University of Wellington) - Toby Walsh
Professor of Computer Science (UNSW and NICTA)
Founding Advisory Board (2009-2014)
- Head of Department, (Mathematics, Auckland) – CHAIR
- Prof. Walter Bossert (Economics, Montreal)
- Prof. Steven Brams (Political Science, New York University)
- Emeritus Prof. Andy McLennan (Economics, University of Queensland)
- Prof. Hervé Moulin (Economics, HSE University, St Petersburg)
- Prof. Dr Clemens Puppe (Economic Theory/Statistics, KIT Karlsruhe)
- Prof. Dr Jörg Rothe (Mathematics/Computer Science, Dusseldorf)
- Prof. Toby Walsh (Computer Science, University of New South Wales)
- Prof. Bill Zwicker (Mathematics, Union College)